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Online patent, trademark and design system covering:

South Africa (patents, trademarks and designs)

Nigeria (patents)

EU (designs)

Germany (utility model / gebrauchsmuster)

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African buildings

The #1 filer of patents into African non-examining countries, filing +5,000 patents per year.

About 75% of Chinese applicants choose to file through us.

Obtain patent protection in Africa and renew these patents "to term" at the lowest cost.

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African buildings

Online system for filing EU Registered Community designs.

Combine multiple embodiments in a single EU Registered Community design.

Receive the EU Registered Community design registration certificate within 1 month of filing.

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African buildings

Don't want to file an European Patent, but wish to prevent manufacture, use or sale of infringing products in Germany? File a German Utility Model online.

German Utility Models extend similar rights as patents, but for a 10 year period.

Easily file a German Utility Model online and receive the registration certificate within 2-3 months.

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Africa icon


The GlobalIPCo system automates patent filing and prosecution in non-examining African countries, creating new patent products with increased value and decreased cost, complexity and risk.

Vicennial Patent: File patents and pre-pay all future renewals (for the 20-year term), reducing renewal costs by about 90%.

SANi Patent: Combine South African and Nigerian patents - countries with a higher GDP than ARIPO and OAPI regional patents combined.

Accelerated Patent: Receive patent certificates within 5 months of filing.

Choose how to file

Either use the GlobalIPCo online system or instruct our agent (S&Z Patent Attorneys) to file patents, trademarks and designs by email.

South Africa









Utility models

1. PCT Details


On filing, the specification must mirror the PCT application on file at WIPO.

Changes thereto (including changes to applicant details) may only be made after filing.

All-inclusive pricing

Fixed-cost from filing to courier of the patent certificate.

No subscription fee. Pay only when you instruct.

Using GlobalIPCo system Using S&Z
South African patent: $496.50* $585
Nigerian patent: $627.50* $725
SANi patent: $1 124* $875****
SANi Vicennial patent (incl. renewals "to term") $2 139* $1 750****
German utility model $Tian to provide pricing** -
EU Registered Community design (1 embodiment): EUR556*** -

* Where 4 patents are included in a courier parcel

** Where [Tian to provide] utility models are included in a postage parcel

*** Payable in US$ with 4% conversion fee

**** Available to law firms


Patent law firms qualify for preferential pricing.



S&Z Patent Attorneys